Depressed woman awake in the night she is exhausted and suffering from insomnia

What Do Hormones Do?

Hormones are chemicals naturally produced to send signals throughout the body. When hormones are working in balance, hormones allow our bodies to function effectively and efficiently. Hormones regulate body temperature, muscle growth, and metabolism among other things.

What Happens When They Aren’t Balanced?

A hormonal imbalance happens when these chemicals are not in proper proportion. When you experience a hormonal imbalance, you may have a variety of different bodily reactions depending on which hormones are out of harmony.

These effects are often closely connected and influence each other. This kind of snowball effect can lump many minor signs and symptoms into one big problem. That’s why it’s important to constantly monitor your own personal health.

Who Else Experiences This?

Countless people experience hormone imbalances at different times in their lives for the same number of reasons. While every situation is unique, that does not mean anyone who experiences an imbalance is alone. Many others are having the same or similar problems, so don’t fret!

Here are some signs and symptoms that might indicate a hormone imbalance. This list is not exhaustive, but can go a long way to helping you identify what your particular concerns may be

The Telltale Signs of Hormone Imbalance

  1. Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

    This usually occurs with women experiencing menopause, but can affect women of any age. When signals that are supposed to regulate your body get crossed, it can get quite uncomfortable.

  2. Breast Tenderness

    Throughout the menstrual cycle, fluctuating hormones can lead to soreness or tenderness of the breasts.

  3. Increased Hair Growth on Face, Neck, Chest, or Back

    When some hormones are not being properly distributed, this can lead to hair loss or even hair growth.

  4. Weight Gain

    As stated before, hormones help regulate metabolism as well as other bodily functions. When these regulatory hormones are in short supply or at least are being overpowered by other factors, fluctuations in weight can be the result.

  5. Fatigue

    When you find yourself more tired than normal, but unable to get restful sleep, you could be experiencing a hormone imbalance.

  6. Mood Swings

    Some hormones are regulators of mood. When combined with other issues usually associated with hormone imbalances can lead to anger, irritability, and feeling of hopelessness.

Monitor Yourself!

As every person functions differently, these can vary from body to body in terms of occurrence and severity. If you notice something that feels out of the ordinary, talk with your doctor about your concerns. Never forget, you are not alone in your situation, and there are treatments available to get your hormones back in order!

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